Director of the Natural History Museum of Geneva and its History of Science Museum
My encounter with the museum world began very early. Even though my geology studies did not necessarily predestine me for a career in this fascinating and complex world, I have worked in almost all areas in this field up to institutional management. My experience includes collection management, exhibition design and production, computer graphics, education and public outreach, media relations, website management, excavation and scientific leadership. This unusual professional background gives me today a global and ecosystemic vision of the museum world. This skill allows me to reflect on its development and the evolution of its role in our society.
Throughout my museological career I have continued to develop research in geology and palaeontology, particularly in the context of excavations in Switzerland and the United States.
I was also able to express my great interest in the transmission of knowledge and public outreach of the natural sciences through numerous conferences, publications and guided tours for the public.
My encounter with the museum world began very early. Even though my geology studies did not necessarily predestine me for a career in this fascinating and complex world, I have worked in almost all areas in this field up to institutional management. My experience includes collection management, exhibition design and production, computer graphics, education and public outreach, media relations, website management, excavation and scientific leadership. This unusual professional background gives me today a global and ecosystemic vision of the museum world. This skill allows me to reflect on its development and the evolution of its role in our society.
Throughout my museological career I have continued to develop research in geology and palaeontology, particularly in the context of excavations in Switzerland and the United States.
I was also able to express my great interest in the transmission of knowledge and public outreach of the natural sciences through numerous conferences, publications and guided tours for the public.
Director of the Natural Sciences Museum and Botanical Garden in Porrentruy (north Switzerland)
Scientific manager and head of paleontological excavations, Paleontology A16, Transjurane highway, Porrentruy (north Switzerland)
Curator (department of Earth sciences), Natural History Museum Neuchatel (Switzerland). Paleontological excavations of dinosaur fossils (Wyoming, US)
Professional background
Main achievements and results (see also my last certificate of employment)
- Initiation and management of a large-scale project : Extension and partial renovation of the Museum (AMBRE): drawing up the program, member of the jury of architectural competition, follow-up of the preliminary project.
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Exhibition curation
- Tombée du ciel. Météorites et catastrophes. (1995). Exposition temporaire et itinérante. Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel. Itinérance au CCST de Grenoble puis de Nancy.
- L’Air. (1996). Exposition temporaire et itinérante. Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel.
- Un os, deux os, dinos. (1997). Exposition temporaire sur les dinosaures du site de Howe Ranch au Wyoming (USA). Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel.
- Coup d’œil sur la nature en ville de Neuchâtel. (1996). Exposition temporaire et itinérante. Péristyle de l’Hôtel de Ville. Neuchâtel
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• AYER, J. (en cours). L’évolution identitaire des musées d’histoire naturelle à l’heure des grands bouleversements sociétaux et environnementaux : entre conservatisme et progressisme. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Neuchâtel
• AYER, J. & Huguenin-Elie, L., parution printemps 2021. Les Musées d’histoire naturelle face aux crises environnementales. Vers un engagement fort et cohérent. ICOM Belgique Wallonie Bruxelles, Vie des Musées N°30, Le musée durable.
• AYER, J., 2021. Les collections des musées : vers plus de sobriété et d’exemplarité ? La Lettre de l’Ocim, Dijon.
• AYER, J., 2020. Un PSC pour repenser le Muséum de Genève. Démarche, résultats et bilan. La Lettre de l’Ocim, Dijon.
• AYER, J. (dir), HAYMANN, E., VALLOTTON, L., WAGNEUR, P. & OULEVEY, J. 2020. Muséum Genève. 200 ans d’histoire naturelle. Éditions Favre SA, Lausanne.
• AYER J. & MOESCHLER, P. 2014. Bio-indicateurs culturels : une vision futuriste pour les musées d’histoire naturelle de demain ? Revue de la Terre n°12
• AYER, J., 2014. Muséum Genève 2020. Projet scientifique et culturel. Ed. Muséum Genève.
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